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Value of Nothing

2012 Beijing

Six performances in which different chinese musicians were invited to perform inside a big lamp. Shadow figures made from traditional donkey skin and trash found around the sites of the performances were used to create a performance based on western & chinese ways of living with their garbage.

With musicians Wu Na, Daiguo Li, Song Zhao, Li Tieqioa and Fenni at Zajia Lab, CAFA museum, Paper Tiger Studio & Three Shadows Gallery.
First night of Value of Nothing performance with gquin player Wu Na on 26 june 2012 at Paper Tiger's Studio beijing. Upcoming performances at CAFA museum 9 june & final on 23 june with Daiguo Li at Three Shadow Gallery Cao Changdi Art District, Beijing. For each performance a different chinese musician was invited. Each musician is a specialist in experimental music with traditional chinese instruments. In the same way that I make experimental shadowplay with a traditional technique.